JUNE – NOV 2006

Question: Are crystals really the helpful energy that many of us believe?  Or is it
a case of if you believe it is then it really is for you?

Spirit Friends: There is nothing wrong with crystals or incense burning any more than having fresh cut flowers, room deodorants, wind chimes, dream catchers or mood music for meditating.

When it comes to psychic healing and psychic readings, it must be remembered the source of this energy is not these inanimate objects, but is the power that dwells within us.

Now comes the confusion. A truly gifted psychic medium may be instructed by their Higher Guidance to use crystals or other similar tools to act in the healing process.

Hence why some users of these tools may have nothing happening, while others seem to gain results. This can also applies to practices such as Reiki, Spiritual Healing and Christian practice of Praying over people as a means of healing.

Q. Does the 7-chakra system play as important a part of spirituality in the
present time as they did in the past?

A. The chakras relate more to the psychic or spiritual aspects of us, rather then the physical.

The seven energy centres are the links from our soul to our physical body.

When the soul energies are operating properly, that is we are allowing our physical body to be guided by the soul, and not the other way round, then the chakras will be in alignment and spinning at the proper speed or revolution.

A sensitive, either as a healer or a psychic, can sense when a person is aligned properly to their chakras, because their Guidance usually centres healing to where that person is out of alignment, and that then creates a vortex or centre of energy.

 In actual fact it is like a mini storm occurring around that particular area where the person is out of alignment, and this shows up particularly in the intensity of colours, especially in an Aura photograph.


Universal Council:

Q. Is there an established intergalactic council to oversee the running of
mother earth and the universe?

A. No. There are other universes so far away from each other as to make it impossible for one to interact with the other.

However, just like satellites and other unmanned deep space craft, other intelligences from these far away places have searched the universe for answers and alternatives to their existence. Some of these have drifted in the skies of your world.


Q. The claim then that a body was found in an alien craft at Roswell in the US, was that not true?

A. It was a very advanced robotic being, in comparison to what your planet is able to create, without a soul or spirit.

Opinion Criticism:

Q. During ordinary everyday conversation if you were to say to someone “You
are thinking with your head and not with your heart.”  Would that constitute
a judgement of that person?  Or would that be considered an observation?

A. Depending on the circumstance, such a comment could be meant to have a person check what they are saying in relation to a matter that, for example, could have been a judgement on their part.

Made as a comment and not as a form of reply, could be seen as a very strong opinion, and possible judgement, while in reply to a comment where a person has been offensive, this reply could be the lesser of two options.

To explain further, if the person, making such a comment, were to continue on with some helpful suggestions or offering help, then it would be fair comment. However if it were made as a snide remark, where a reply was not accepted, then the comment would definitely be considered offensive.

Black Occult Power:

Q. In this world of our existence is there in an ordinary perspective Black
occult power or black magic known as ‘Sons of Belial?  Or is that again part
of the past created by ‘certain powers that be’ to control the minds of

A. Simple minds need simple examples. When the world was a much less involved place, where communication between the more knowledgeable was very limited, examples were best used to explain otherwise difficult scenarios.

There is an action for every reaction. The Creator energy is positive, and ongoing, and the reaction to this positive energy is therefore referred to in ways that indicate harm, hurt and danger as a means to moving people to that, which is long term beneficial to their souls growth.

Can Energy Be Stolen
Q. Can a person have their energy stolen or taken from them? 

A. Physical energy, emotions, and similar can have a severe effect on a person who lives more in the physical world than within their soul. This brings up the Gap aspect we mentioned in a previous question and answer session. In this instance it is more that the person is listening to the physical aspect of their lives, and not their spiritual/soul aspect. If a person were tuned into their spiritual energy, they wouldn’t be lead to a situation where their spiritual or physical well-being were threatened.

Can A Healer’s Energy Be stolen:

Q. As a person who practices relaxation techniques in order to allow others to heal themselves, can they really steal my energy?  

A. Often what a psychic or healer refer to as stolen energy, is actually that healer or psychic having their own personal guidance stepping back from the party they are working with. The result is the person healing, feeling responsible to fulfilling an obligation, is actually working on his or her own energy plane, and so tires as they continue. Not everyone that comes for a spiritually based healing or psychic reading necessarily have spirit’s blessing, either from their own guides or from the healer, psychic.

In the instance where someone is practicing relaxation techniques, the question is whether that teacher is showing another people how to heal themselves, or is actually involved in some form of healing. As a teacher, we can’t be held responsible for what our student or pupil does with our offerings.

Healers And Protections:

Q. Do I really have need to protect myself from others? Or once again is someone trying to control my thoughts and actions by fear mongering?

A. The difficulty with healing practices, other than the medical professional type, is the dabbling into the spiritual realm without having a full understanding of the intricacies of what spiritual healing actually means. Reiki for example was a very sacred and holy spiritual process to that culture. Now it is primarily a humanist-physical exercise where only a very few number of practitioners actually ask to be lead by their Higher Guidance.

Seven Principles:
. Is there such a thing as stated in the 7 principles of the Spiritual
Church as retribution for deeds done on earth?  

A. Yes. For every action there is a reaction, so one must face the results of their actions, both positive and negative. However, it is the person determining that retribution who is the crux of this question. No outer force, or foreign authority makes such a judgement on a soul once they have entered the spirit world. The soul themselves determine what retribution they must pay in order that they clean their slate for what they know is their long term spiritual goal.

Mind Games:

Q. Isn’t it actually that some are playing mind games with this guilt aspect in order to encourage us into their ways of thinking?

A. Again this is where a spiritual reality gets humanly grounded. If a person is listening to their Higher Guidance, they wouldn’t even entertain such criticism. They would know that the critic is actually living primarily in the physical world, not their spiritual/soul one.

Atlantis And Lemuria:
Q. Is the channelled information about Atlantis and Lemuria accurate and
viable information for the future or part of what I class as moneymaking
schemes to raise funds for the person who purports to be receiving this

A. From a spiritual perspective, what happened, or didn’t happen in the past of human history, such as the existence or non-existence of Atlantis and Lemuria, is of no concern to us.

However, in order that the collective on the human plane, especially those with little to know knowledge of the higher realms of the spiritual world, need a history in order not to repeat actions of that past.

This particularly applies for those souls that may have spent previous lives on another planet, or in another solar system.

Where that history is needed, that history is ‘given’ to them, such as the books and writing of the Homer and other Greek icons.


Human Body Without A Soul:

Q. Can a body (Human or otherwise) live/exist/be alive without a soul?

A. No. It is the soul that is the reason a person becomes animated. The soul instigates all the mannerisms that make that life form precise and peculiar as a reflection of that particular soul.

However, as clarity to this answer, there are times when the soul is only partly occupying a human form. The two most obvious instances are when a child is first born till around the first few years of life, when the soul slowly builds within that physical form, and at the end of a life when the soul is slowly leaving their physical form.

There are other instances also, for example, when a person has been traumatised in a serious accident, including unconscious, or when a person is put into a medically induced coma.

A Temporary Absence Of The Soul:

Q. Can ‘LIFE’ exist if there is not a soul having a journey to experience and to expand its self into?

A. A physical form can exist for a small amount of time in the case where the soul has left the body. The machine, or physical body, will function while the machinery is feed and nurtured; however it is in ever sense of the world soulless.

In the case of a soul reneging, or for some reason, not uniting with a physical form at the time of childbirth, the physical form is usually still born.  

Soulless Forms:

Q. Is it true that ‘EVERYTHING’ has a soul, from the smallest atom to the
largest body in the known universe and beyond?

A. The term soul, to most people’s understanding, is that which animates the physical form. In that sense only those things that have animated ‘life,’ independent of other forms, can be classed as having soul. This includes the tiniest of microbes that operate independently of any other life form.

All matter is based on a molecular structure, and those molecules will eventually be traceable by an advanced form of DNA. However, these particles, though linked to previous physical life forms, will not in any way be linkable to that life form’s soul. The soul is not of physical making.

Colours And Our Soul:

Q. Does the wearing of any colour affect our soul or spirit? For example does black effect us negatively while white, as in a bridal dress, increases our soul’s purity?

A. The traditional societal perspective that white denotes purity, while black represents darkness and evil, originated from a time before the creation of artificial light.

The darkness of night hid dangers, such as predators and obstacles, while the light of a full moon, the white light, exposed them.

The moon, and therefore moonlight, has always been perceived as benevolent, emotive, caring and nurturing, especially as its cycles coincide with the female reproduction cycle.

In Astrology, the moon represents emotions and the feminine.

By default, men traditionally wore black suits, which then linked men to the dark.

After all, it was very unlikely in early civilisations that women would invade or attack other communities during the night, where history shows in some cases men did. Pirates come to mind, and it was pirates that created the link of black, aggression and death as perceived in their Scull and Cross Bones flag.

As to the connection with the soul and colours, the soul or spirit of a person is only affected by colour if the physical world has more of an effect on them than their soul has.

Again this relates back to the Gap concept mentioned by Spirit in previous Blogs, concerning separation between a person’s soul or spirit, and their physical form or body.

Garden Planet:

Q. Is earth a ‘gardening planet’ or a place of experimentation to discover what works and what doesn’t, for larger groups of people?

A. It is more a place for experiencing, as are other places in the universe. There are some places that are quite volatile and there are places that are quite peaceful. As a soul incarnates into a particular physical form in one of these places, they have to adjust from where they had experiences before. This adds to the reason some souls seem more aggressive in their earlier days on your planet, while others seem quite calm and peaceful. It all depends on which planet/universe they came from.



Q. Last year you said that our souls are imperfect. How can a perfect Creator create imperfection?

A. It is the terminology that is causing the confusion here. The Creator is a continuum. That is, It is a growing Entity that everything is a part of. Nothing is external to the Creator. All of Creation IS the Creator. So because the Creator is growing and expanding, so it is discarding that which is no longer necessary to its growth. Imperfection is, therefore, growth. Perfection is completion. The Creator’s Creation will never end, It will continue growing, expanding, discarding and Being.

Q. So are You saying that the physical human, and in fact all things are created with imperfections?

A. Yes. As an example, name one part of Creation that has never changed from the beginning of the Creator’s time? Even the oldest of mountains have changed in some for or other via expansion or contraction.

An Empath:

Q. I’ve always thought of myself as an Empath because I easily feel what others feel and can put myself in their shoes. Is this wrong?

A. No. What we’re saying is that by taking on the feelings of another person, you could well have linked to a much lower level of energy, which may have infested them.

It is not the place of a concerned person to take on the other person’s weight, that it our job, here in spirit.

When a person empathically feels for another person, we suggest they immediately turn to their own Guidance, and ask them to put in motion that which will help that other person.

Spiritually Guided Meditation Explained:
Q. As a regular to your Spiritual Circles, I have found your meditation, thought nowhere near as long as other meditations, bring me to a much deeper state of serenity. What makes yours different?

A. Most meditations are aimed at the physical body and physical state of mind. These meditations are excellent for bringing tired and weary people into a deeper state of calmness.

The Release or Spiritually Guided meditations aim at our soul and spiritual lever.

Once we have relaxed both our soul and our spiritual levels, the relaxation of the physical follows.

Dream Messages

Q. I seem to get messages while I am asleep and in a dream state.

A. There are many things happening while we sleep.

In some instances we may get images or messages indicating a glitch between our conscious and subconscious minds.

Nightmares and frightening dreams are an indication of an area of our life that needs to be seriously addressed.

This could be anything from the physical body to our mental attitude to things.

Dream Content:

Q. Are all dream messages related to glitches between our conscious and subconscious mind.

A. If we are gifted channels, able to help others, but unsure or reluctant to accept what we get in an awakened state, our Highest Guides can slip the message into our mind while we are sleeping.

There is also the possibility that another person may be used in our dream, not because the message is for them, but because Spirit is using that person as an icon for you. This would need more explaining at the time of an actual dream.

Verbal Chatter:

Q. I get stuff that not only comes into my head, but it comes out of my mouth before I’ve had a chance to analyse it. Is this a normal psychic occurrence?

A. Yes it is. However, if we are open channels, we can get all sorts of messages, good and not so good, coming out of our mouth.

Just because we are channels, doesn’t mean we are channelling only the best.

As has been said in other Q & A’s and in my Blog, there needs to be a strong link between us and our Higher Guidance so as to prevent interference channelling through us, and this is done via the Spiritually Guided Meditation.

Received Information:

Q. Sometimes I get clues over days or weeks – even months that I have to put together to understand what they want me to know. Is this normal?

A. This question could receive a totally different answer if asked by different people.

In other words it is person specific.

In your case, it is very likely that you are receiving mixed messages.

If however, you were regularly meditating via the Spiritually Guided method, you would find that, in time, such information would slowly develop your thinking towards a specific topic, in a way that doesn’t trouble or concern you, as I feel it is doing now.

Confused Messages:

Q. At times when I least expect it, I’ll receive a world or phrase, or a full message. Other times I might get directed to certain magazine or book. These can be accurate messages, or they just leave me confused. Am I doing something wrong?

A. Whenever we receive a message in our thoughts, it is best we stop what we’re doing if that’s possible, quietly go inside to our Highest Guides via the Spiritually Guided Meditation, and ask Them for clarity.

If the matter never comes up again, then it wasn’t from your Guides.

If it does come back again, but still confused, check you have your Highest Guides, via the method I teach.

If there is still confusion, demand that your Guides clarify what they are sending you.

It is most likely that the thoughts you have been receiving have not been coming from your Highest Guides.

Guidance Versus Others:

Q. I am not afraid of anything I encounter because I can differentiate between something negative or from a lower level and my guides and other positive loving entities.

A. Though this was a statement, and not a question, it begs a reply.

We can never know when we have Higher or lower entities around us.

Only our Highest Guides can know that.

When we turn to them in the Spiritually Guided Meditations, we are enacting Spirit Law.

That is, if we ask for the Highest Guidance, we are entitled to it.

However, we must live a life that is morally equivalent to that Higher Guidance we draw.

If we break any human laws, even speeding or similar, we draw in a lower lever of Guidance that what we need.

The way we live our life, both physically and spiritually, determines the purity of our Guidance.

Grey Interference:

Q. As a child I had encounters with greys that I know implanted something in mind. There’s been no further contact with them since 2006 when they last came to take me. I called on my guides to protect me and to send love and light energy to them.

A. Though it is a statement, it begs a reply.

At what point did you know there were such things as greys, and from where did you get this information?

At what point in your life did you discover you had an implant, and what has you believe such an implant was not a good thing?

What event in your life do you still have difficulty facing from that time when you were a child?

Was it around this time that the greys encounter took place?

I ask these for your ears only, because often an event in our early life can have us believe we were in some way responsible, when we weren’t.

As a means of dealing with such an event, we can copy that which we have read or heard about, as a means of dealing with such a situation.

Energy Effects Us

Q. In different circumstances people generally appear to be in a bad mood or rude to others around them. I have spoken to five people now who had this very experience this week and even claimed to feel themselves taking on a negative mood as a result. Are there different energy waves that can affect groups of people all at the same time?

A. This relates back to our moral conscience basis, the way we use our thinking and our mind, and how close or not we are to our Highest Guidance.

If we are attuned to the Higher Power, nothing can interfere with our state of being for very long.

Sure, there will be times when we’ll feel the effects of this low level moodiness, but not for long.

If we do a Spiritually Guided meditation before we head out into the crowds, shopping etc, and send our Guides ahead of us as Good Will ambassadors, we may well change the mood of some, without either they or you being aware of it.

QANDA 2010


Question: Isn’t the concept of Saints a fading myth, best left for history?

Spirit Friends: From the perspective of those Canonised by the Church, yes those Saints are fading into history.

However, the true Saints, including the ones never recognised while in the physical world, are what make up the teams of Highest Guides you are all interacting with right now.

They are a massive group of loving Guides who interact between the Pure Creator Force, and those of you reaching up for Divine Guidance.

The purer your intentions within your soul and spirit, the closer you get to Sainthood.

Q: I have heard that Mary McKillop got into serious trouble because she dared to question, and bring to the notice of the Church, the paedophile priests she encountered in her work. Has she ever confirmed this to you?

A: It was the covering up of repeated offences that Mary was trying to expose, not so much the weakness of the individual priests.

However, Mary’s answer to us now is, ‘the past is past,’ or to quote Jesus, ‘let the dead bury the dead’.

No matter the intention of any of us, we all make mistakes, or again to quote Jesus, let you that has not sinned cast the first stone.

Q: If, as Mary McKillop has said, channelled information will always be tainted, how do you know this information from her was not also tainted.

Pete’s Answer: At the time, not having been given the ABC process, and not sure of my own discernment, I would bring up a topic title in one of the groups I then frequented.

I would ask the groups, ‘what information can you get for me concerning the message I received ….’ And then I’d add the time and day.

If there were any uncertainty or doubts from any members of the group, I would immediately dismiss the message as my own interpretation. When and if that matter came up again, I’d take it to another group and usually I’d find the repeated message was a genuine one.

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