October 2023

This month’s Blog is a combination of a revisit to previous prediction Blogs and therefore a continuation from last month’s Blog 177

In two week’s time, I’ll be setting the whole Blog over to Steve’s questions concerning Artificial Intelligence, and my Spirit Friend’s response.



Since 11th of September 2001, America has changed, but not for the better: This is my Spirit Friends prediction for the next ten years or so (2011 to 2021).

The blame game will increase. People of colour and differing points of view will be the target of a new movement rising, not only in the US, but also in the world generally.

Technological expansion will continue to slow down and world trading will be on knife-edge. 

Two super passenger jets currently in production, one is American and the other European will cease production due to serious manufacturing difficulties.

There will be no major technological marvels in the form of commercial flying machines, under water contraptions, or land vehicles being developed during this time. We will simply fine-tuning the old technologies.

(Alternative green electricity) especially in the area of power storage and power generation, will occur at a frustrating pace, due to Government interference and conservative thinking. Solar, wind, and wave generation will be delayed by corporate power brokers.

The claims of new technology to create the clean use of coal, oil or gas burning for electrical generators will be proven false.

Major cost of electricity, fuel, vehicles, and building materials generally will cause much hardship amongst the poor and lower income earners. 

Poverty and cost of living will make it impossible for many to survive, so that drug related suicide rates will dramatically increase.

Interests in ideals, dreams and the expansion of progressive movements, along with moral and spiritual/religious fairness will wane, replaced with fearful and aggressive conservatism. 

Radical idealists will be more like the conservatives of the sixties. 

Currently the US is in damage control as a result of Wikileaks releases, while an extreme conservatism is fast controlling the world media.

Both Wikileaks’ Julian Assange and News Corp’s Rupert Murdoch are Australians. One will be reduced to impotency (as) a criminal, while the other will control the actions of (an) American Government (Presidency).

The real growth for the next ten years will be China, India and Russia as they expand their interests in greater and lesser degrees, while America will become unstable, unreliable and openly hostile to its own people and to the world in general.

World governments will continue to support the US openly, but behind the scenes, will slowly start to move away from the insecure US dollar. 

Lying will become the norm in Governments and especially concerning the world economy. Whatever is told when it comes to a nation’s financial security will be more likely the reverse. 

Finances in Australia over the next ten years will be mismanaged, be it Federal, State or Local Government.

The toppling of world leaders is very likely, especially the case in the US and Britain towards the end of this ten year period. 

Civil wars, skirmishes and serious civil unrest will topple some world Governments.

Lying and deception will be the norm, so that no matter how vigilant the individual, the truth will be almost impossible to find. 

The ignorant will base their knowledge on populist (social) media commentators, as the powerful manipulate the masses.




13th July 2017

There has been talk of the New Age since the mid sixties. A time of peace, love, good will and human respect for all human and animal kind.

So what has happened? Where did the Age of Aquarius go?

Ages last around two to three thousand years. We are coming out of the Pisces age and are currently at the end side of the Cusp, that is the middle ground between the two Ages. Like any change between the old and the new, resentment grows. No one really likes change, especially when we don’t know what that new change will bring.

The areas most different to the Pisces Age, from the new Aquarian Age, are the areas causing most concern in the world. Conservative values in the area of money, politics, religion, lifestyle, relationships, and environment (especially the use of limited resources such as coal, gas, forests and non renewable energies) are where the tension is most noticeable. Extremism at its best is pretty much our norm.

Even with alternative beliefs of a New Age variety, such as those commonly linked to what was the Hippy Era, are going through major growing pains.

Astrology, something that most thought would never change dramatically, is beginning to shake the foundations of it origins. No longer are the planets of our solar system perceived to be the only influence on all existence here on the planet we call Earth. Quasars, black holes, and planets only discovered within the past twenty or so years are now becoming a part of a standard Natal Chart. And that will grow as more entities are discovered.

Einstein’s theory of warped time and space, where light and energy can be bent in the presence of other heavenly entities, is now a proven fact, thanks to the remarkable work of Steven Hawkins.

Astrologers now realise that the effects of those outer masses are the reason why many early Astrological charts were hit and miss.

Like no other time in our (Piscean) history have we been so alone. Things we held dear, persons we could turn to, people we could trust, are fast becoming a part of our past. Priests, nuns, ministers of any religion are being shunned as we urgently search for something ‘out there’ to give us peace of mind.

But the answer is within….

The intention of this Blog of mine is to encourage you to learn to search the ‘mansion’ that is your mind. Not only to find the ‘rooms’ but to find who/what dwells there.

As a teaser, how many ‘thoughts’ on any one matter do you have? When it comes to a decision, is there always only one voice, one thought, one decision to make? Or do you find contradictions in some matters, and so take the loudest or seemingly most obvious one, and hope it’s the right one?

Within the next few weeks I will be starting on the first steps of this journey that I hope you find is worth your following. It’s not complicated. It’s not in any way frightening or spooky. If anything, it will be a massive release of frustration you could well have been building up for so long you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of this yourself.

(This ‘Journey’ I referred to then is the currently available Three Five Meditation, the link of which you can find in the list here below.)

NOTE: Between my monthly Blogs I add older stories, predictions and histories on separate pages. You can find them at this link. Pete

Published by Pete The Psychic Medium

I am a conscious trance medium that has been working with my Spirit Friends since being made aware of Them in my mid thirties. They don't clam individuality, but rather consider Themselves a collective team Who vary their 'appearance' to me depending on the matter being channelled. They have chosen for me NOT to present as a public figure, but rather as an 'instigator' of what is to come long after I have gone. Currently, in 2023, I am in my 77th year with, They tell me, quite a few years remaining so as to do Their work. My primary goal, on Their behalf, is to encourage readers of my Blog to search for the Truth via regularly meditate. This constant interacting with our own personal Guidance will guide us all as the turmoil of the next fifty or more years begins to take effect. Pete

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  1. AJ here. Wow! These are predictions were so accurate. And more than ten years old. Well done Pete and your spirit friends.


    1. Hi AJ, and thanks for your comments. I am currently reviewing all old Blogs from previous sites and I too am blown away at what my Spirit Friends predicted. I’ll be posting more over the months ahead, either as Blogs or on separate pages. Again your comment was greatly appreciated. Pete


      1. What about Russia at Olympics 2024? Will they be able to compete? Today it was voted that paralympic athlets from Russia will be allowed to compete in Paris 2024. It seems that Russia has used money to get back in the the world affairs.


        1. Hi A. My Spirit Friends are saying it’s going to go down to the wire, almost a last minute decision. It looks like they could be admitted, but with restrictions and limitations. Other world matters at the time could throw chaos into the mix. The world will be in turmoil throughout 2024 – 2026. Pete


  2. Thank you for the answers!

    What do you mean by The world will be in turmoil throughout 2024 – 2026?


    1. Hi Lands11. You would need to read the many posts my Spirit Friends have written on the turmoil the world is heading into to answer that question fully. But in brief, conservatism will be severely challenged, across the board, with many skirmishes, clashes and toppling of leaders etc. The two years mentioned will be when Pluto’s dramatic effects of uncovering the hidden will start shaking the world from its complacency. For too long, the world has been riding a train, blissfully unaware that there has not be responsibility in the driver’s cabin. Pete


  3. Hi Pete,

    I just read your current blog, past predictions and current predictions. What an incredible experience we all, the population of the world, are living through. Sitting on the back porch and listening to the birds helps. You have touched on my latest question before, but please elaborate a little. Before being born into this transitory period, did we deliberately choose this time?


    1. Hi Anon? … could you, and all commenters, please place a name or identifier either at the beginning or end of your post, otherwise it’s going to get quite difficult for people to know which Anonymous is which. Thank you.

      Ok now to your question.

      Pete: This is far more complicated a question than you may realise: Who is ‘we’? Here is my Spirit Friend’s reply to you.
      Spirit Friends: A person’s current soul is made up of multiple ‘seeds’ or individual entities that have come together to live physically in this particular life cycle soul.
      Pete: Check out the Split Soul System, the link is in Pete’s list of Blogs.
      Spirit Friends: For example, the many that died during WWII came back quickly as Baby Boomers so as to complete the experiencing as close as possible to that original time frame.
      It’s complicated, but it is incredibly fair considering the long term outcome of the Creator’s Plan.
      And as to any ‘transitory time’, the learning was just as confronting to those soul’s entities of the past as those now residing in, and during, this Age change.
      Spirit Friends/Pete


      1. Hi Pete,

        This is Dot asking about whether we choose the time period to be born in. I was totally surprised to see my comment posted without logging in, and therefore being anonymous. Now I will.go back and read your answer.

        Thanks for your blog. It is truly incredible.


        1. Hi Dot. Great to have you able to get in via comments. It’s one of the many problems with Word Press. You don’t know you’re being signed in as Anonymous. I notice Eric having a lot of difficulty with WP as well.
          Difficulty I have is trying to let people know without it sounding I’m being critical, which I’m not.
          Anyway let me know if there are any questions arising out of SF/my replies to you. Pete


          1. Hi Pete,

            No problem. The reply SF and you just gave makes perfect sense, and it rather completes the circle. I will now see how this posts. Dot


    1. Hi lands11. As my Spirit Friends have indicated in many of my Blogs there will be turmoil, uprisings and skirmishes as we move into this new Age of Aquarius.
      Religious based wars, claims of ownership of lands, shortages of food and resources will be just some of the causes.
      Currently, besides this uprising, we have North and South Korea, China and Taiwan, West Papua and Indonesia, numerous areas in Africa, South American skirmishes and of course Russia and Ukraine, and the implosion of the US.
      From early next year we will see an escalation of the world turmoil as we all faces hidden corruption the Planet Pluto will uncover. Pete


      1. Hi land11. Since my reply to your original question yesterday, much has happened in relation to your question. My Spirit Friends have responded with a very in-depth reply and so on Saturday morning 21st Oct, Aussie time, I will be loading their specific reply to you in Blog 180. It is quite an eye opener. Pete


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