BLOG 187b: BLOG 20 ON THE 21st Dec 2019 REVISITED

24th Feb 2024

As those of you that are regular followers will note, my Blogs have become spasmodic since the early last year. This is primarily because the ‘Feed’ from my Spirit Friends has been irregular and limited. A recent Blog showed this when I put together the ‘Bits’ They had given me, only to have Them start up the current series of fortnightly Blogs: Conspiracy Or Practical Business Practices. 

What is happening? Basically the spiritual ethers have been taken over by the other ‘god’: Jesus called that god Mammon, or the Antichrist. Anyone or anything that is good is attacked, ruthlessly hounded or quickly disposed of. Simply put, my Spirit Friend have been protecting the ‘pure of heart’.

As They have stated in many of my Blogs, the Christ is not a person but an Energy of Love, Care, Honesty, Patience, Kindness, Purity of thought; Creation over material possessions. 

The Anti Christ is the energy that is feeding the world, and killing those that resist, through it’s agents who are low form spirits now manifest: Fear and aggression is their only defence against this ‘New Christ Age’, coming to the world as the Aquarian Age.

Anyone who follows regular psychic sites will note that the most active ones at the moment are primarily those doing ‘current’ Tarot readings, based on what is currently in the news. 

Long term Predictive Mediums, including Eric Lee Pink and myself, are finding older predictions occurring now. 

Thankfully the Creator has previously given us predictions to help see us through this time of carnal control. 

So for this ‘off fortnight’ Blog I am taking you way back to August 2019, as posted in Blog 20 so that you can decide for yourself if the predictions I perceived were for that time, aren’t actually happening right now.


Obviously the dates are incorrect, but the facts are more relevant to today’s world climate: 

4th Aug 2019 – Spirit Friends: There are events of a very serious nature about to happen in your world.

A kind of siege will break out soon. On many fronts, in many places in the world. Trump’s militant action will be of primary concern. Anger growing stronger amongst the ultra right in other nations. Aggression and anger will spill into the streets.

(I later interpreted the ‘siege’ as being Covid, but now realise my Spirit Friends were meaning the ‘siege’ would be on multiple fronts and over a longer time frame.) 

22nd Aug 2019 -Spirit Friends: The smaller volcanoes and earthquakes over the past years will trigger a momentous upsurge in the Pacific. It will be big, but not enough to wipe out surrounding nations with a tsunami. In time, it will cause the rising up of land masses and the swallowing up of at least one islander community.

8th Dec 2019 – Pete’s Vision: At first I thought I was looking at a building on it’s side. Then it was erect and I distinctly got the words street and wall = Wall Street.

As I stared up from the street into the walls of buildings, I saw a tsunami wave completely destroy the building on the left and the scene faded. Stock market crash, or a real tsunami?

9th Dec 2019 – Pete’s Vision: I was walking when suddenly I heard a tremendous roar and was overpowered by the awareness that all around me was shaking violently. Earthquake? Split in two. From top to bottom. Motueka NZ? Massive, massive and many lives lost. I’m sure I saw discarded Christmas decorations and tree within a mall or similar. People had long stopped celebrating.

10th Dec 2019 – Pete’s Vision: 

Someone in overpowering golden attire, similar to Queen Elizabeth I moving slowly from my right, around in front of me and then moving on to the left. I wondered if they were riding a horse side saddle. Then came a flash of Prince Andrew and Prince Charles. The interpretation seemed to be that the Queen was ‘moving on.’ The flash of the two Princes gave me the impression that there was trouble and turmoil in the royal family and I took it as the end of the British throne and royalty.

18th Dec 2019 – Pete’s Vision: 

I had a strong sense of tsunamis coming but not much detail. Does this relate to the Wall Street prediction or to the previous predicted earthquake related, flooding/tsunami?

20th Dec 2019: Pete Explanation: This series of predictions came through in a very vague and distant form. I even had to turn the fans off because even that normally acceptable humming was causing me to be distracted from Their message.

January To March – Spirit Friends: Nancy Pelosi plays a clever card re impeachment and the obstinacy of the Senate.

February To May – Spirit Friends: More revelations show Trump is in very deep water. Republican Senators starting to shown signs of shifting loyalty away from Trump.

March To May – Spirit Friends: Trump faces the music. Senate turns against him. McConnell does an ‘et tu Brutus’ to Trump. Taxes, it’s all about taxes. Trump is really facing his demons now, and though some Republicans are giving him lip service support, behind the scenes they are more concerned about their future. Finality finally faces Trump. He won’t go quietly and this concerns some in very high places. He knows too much.

May To August – Spirit Friends: President missing. Dark clouds over Vice Presidency. 

President Pelosi? Not her wish or intention.

May To Sept – Spirit Friends: Peloci health scare/life threat. Trump supporters rally against her but to no avail. (This could have been last year’s attack against her husband, the the Jan 6th siege or both.)

Spirit Friend’s General Message: The world’s people are becoming less complacent and are becoming more vocal on single track issues. For example an outcry against the intensifying climate change aren’t necessarily taking into account the practicality of the alternative. This will be causing much upheaval in first world nations.

Pete’s Reflection: It was while Spirit was answering your questions, those that regularly send them to me, that I realised the problem. We humans are in a critical phase of our evolution and this is causing major changes to our actions, and therefore to the path we will all be trotting in the early stages of this New Age. Once we as a collective, take an informed stance, where humanity and not materialism govern us, is when Spirit will pass on further predictions. Until then we will flounder in a fast rising sea of mud.


Published by Pete The Psychic Medium

I am a conscious trance medium that has been working with my Spirit Friends since being made aware of Them in my mid thirties. They don't clam individuality, but rather consider Themselves a collective team Who vary their 'appearance' to me depending on the matter being channelled. They have chosen for me NOT to present as a public figure, but rather as an 'instigator' of what is to come long after I have gone. Currently, in 2023, I am in my 77th year with, They tell me, quite a few years remaining so as to do Their work. My primary goal, on Their behalf, is to encourage readers of my Blog to search for the Truth via regularly meditate. This constant interacting with our own personal Guidance will guide us all as the turmoil of the next fifty or more years begins to take effect. Pete

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  1. I’ve been calling to spirit for humanity to have total freedom, like actual true freedom from this terrible system. It just has been getting louder in my soul every day.


    1. Hi Tirin, the question is who in Spirit are we calling on? As my Spirit Friends said some time back in one of my Blogs, we have to have a very clear understanding of who we call to/on when we make our requests. We need to be able to differentiate between the Creator serving Spirits and the Carnal serving spirits.
      And finally, in the words of Jesus: Not my will but the Creator’s will be done. Pete


    • Hi Pete,

    You probably answered this question before, bur here goes. How does a tragic mass event like a war or pandemic play a part in the future? Thanks so much. Dot


      1. Hi Pete,

        It is hard to explain, but look what is going on now. Two substantial wars causing a lot of dislocation and death. Could these wars have been avoided if enough people had known they were going to occur ìn the future? What would the world be like if these dead people were still alive and mostly leading productive lives? The same questions could be asked around the Covid pandemic. Can a lot of people with foreknowledge of bad future events, who don’t want those events, stop these events from occurring? Or, are wars and paandemics inevitable? Thanks so very much, Dot


        1. Hi Dot and thanks for the clarification.
          “Could these wars have been avoided if enough people had known they were going to occur ìn the future?”
          Yes. Hence why psychics and medium like Eric and myself put out our predictions. The problem is only a small number of people believe in our work, and even less act on it.

          “What would the world be like if these dead people were still alive and mostly leading productive lives? The same questions could be asked around the Covid pandemic.”
          It could be argued that had they listened to mediums/psychics, but more importantly, listened to their Inner Voice, yes many of them could still be here now.

          “Can a lot of people with foreknowledge of bad future events, who don’t want those events, stop these events from occurring? Or, are wars and pandemics inevitable?”
          Yes but it is far more complicated than that. Basically, what we are experiencing in the world currently should have been addressed at least forty/fifty or more years ago.
          Russia’s Putin has been building his support from both Britain and the US almost as long as he has been President, yet what change has the majority of the people in both those countries created to prevent what is happening now?
          As early as 2017/18 many world’s psychics, me included, have been indicating deep corruption within the US, especially within the legal system. That corruption could now have the ‘new Hitler’ running the US by next year.
          We all have to start developing a personal contact with the Higher Realm …. our own Spirit Friends …. so as to receive the Truth that is not available to us any other way. And as more and more of us ‘Connect’ with the Higher Realm, the more Powerful becomes that Power of Peace for the world.
          However sadly, as the world honours the material god of Mammon, the worst is yet to come, especially for America.


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