6th April 2024

Revisiting Two 2017 Blogs

13th July 2017: There has been talk of the New Age since the mid sixties. 

A time of peace, love, good will and human respect for all human and animal kind.

So what has happened? Where did the Age of Aquarius go?

In Astrology an Ages last around two thousand years. 

We are currently at the Cusp, or middle ground between the dying Pisces Ages, and the birthing new age of Aquarius. 

Like any change between the old and the new, resentment grows. 

No one really likes change, especially when we don’t know what that new change will bring.

The areas we will face during this ‘changeover’ and causing the world the most concern will be Piscean conservative values. 

Money, politics, religion, lifestyle, relationships, and environment will be the primary areas of friction.

In particular, the use of limited resources such as coal, gas, forests and non renewable energies pitting against air, sun and wave power generation are where the tensions will become most noticeable: Extremist conservatism will be pretty much a norm.

Even with the variety of alternative New Age beliefs, such as those commonly linked to what was the Hippy Era, will face major obstacles and upheavals.

Astrology, something that most thought would never change dramatically, has begun shaking the foundations of it origins. No longer are the planets of our solar system perceived to be the only influence on all existence here on the planet we call Earth. Quasars, black holes, and planets only discovered within the past twenty or so years are now becoming a part of a standard Natal Chart. 

Einstein’s theory of warped time and space, where light and energy can be bent in the presence of other heavenly entities, is now a proven fact, thanks to the remarkable work of Steven Hawkins. Astrologers now realise that the effects of those outer masses are the reason why many early Astrological charts were hit and miss.

Like no other time in our collective history have we been so alone, and as things we held dear, authorities we could turn to and establishments we could trust fast crumble in the dust, we, as always, start to search for something ‘out there’ to give us peace of mind.

Have E T’s and UFOs become our new ‘Divine Mastery?’

The Answer Is Not Without, But Within: 

The intention of my Spirit Friends and these Blogs of mine is to encourage Pure and True ‘Intuition’: Learning From Within.

Discovering the ‘rooms within’ the ‘mansion’ that is your mind. 

Not only to ‘enter’ the ‘rooms’ but to find who/what dwells there.

As a teaser, how many ‘thoughts’ on any one matter do you have? When it comes to a decision, is there always only one voice, one thought, one decision to make? Or do you find contradictions in so many matters, and so take the loudest or seemingly most obvious one, and hope it’s the right one?

Is there such a thing as a ‘Voice’ within? How often have you had a premonition you’ve dismissed as ‘coincidence’, only to find later on to be a fact?

The ‘you won’t believe this’ scenarios that have suddenly changed your life directions, and in some cases, been life savers for you or others? 

From My Early Blog On 15th August 2017

We believe we are animals set aside with very wide ranging intellectual abilities and choices superior to others in the animal world. 

We can choose to fight over territory, food and sexual dominance as animals do, or we can rise above that thinking to realise we are all one, living on the only available planet for us now.

We can ‘think of today and forget tomorrow’, or we can ‘think of tomorrow by self imposed limitations today.’

We are now seeing how easy it is for a powerful autonomy to control the world for it’s own purposes. If money, ownership, possessions become the god of a powerful few in the world, would they seriously consider humans, animals, environment or our planet anything more than commodities to feed their insatiable greed?

So can we be guided and directed through this unholy maze we humans have created with the least amount of anger, fear and bitterness towards those who have created it? Yes we can. We can turn to our Spiritual Guidance deep within ourselves.

I offer my Spirit Friend’s Three Five Meditation listed on a separate page. You’ll find the link to it here at this page. 


Published by Pete The Psychic Medium

I am a conscious trance medium that has been working with my Spirit Friends since being made aware of Them in my mid thirties. They don't clam individuality, but rather consider Themselves a collective team Who vary their 'appearance' to me depending on the matter being channelled. They have chosen for me NOT to present as a public figure, but rather as an 'instigator' of what is to come long after I have gone. Currently, in 2023, I am in my 77th year with, They tell me, quite a few years remaining so as to do Their work. My primary goal, on Their behalf, is to encourage readers of my Blog to search for the Truth via regularly meditate. This constant interacting with our own personal Guidance will guide us all as the turmoil of the next fifty or more years begins to take effect. Pete

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  1. Are there any updates from SF regarding major pandemics such as Covid-19 or potential pandemics such as Bird Flu? Thanks much for your blogs. The work that goes into them is prodigious. Dot


    1. Hi Dot and thank you for your kind remarks.
      My Spirit Friends are still indicating a major pandemic coming out of Africa, but nothing more than that. It will spread quickly because it won’t be initially recognised for its seriousness. A Marburg cross infection has come up previously in one of their predictions. They are not indicating this year, but anything is possible. Pete


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