15th April 2023

It’s been quite a few weeks since Steve sent me these question relating to Australian Politics and as I didn’t seem to be getting any response in reply from my Spirit Friends, I started responding from my own perspective with the intention of only sending it in an email to him. I sent off one answer to to him, but then kept getting this nudge to wait awhile, and so I did.

I started to write up my own personal reply to him, as I had planned from my own perspective, but kept feeling I should hold off until I was certain my Spirit Friends hadn’t caused the delay.

They had.

So here is my original answers to Steve’s questions at around that time, and then my Spirit Friends reply from this week just passed.

Steve’s Introduction:

I do not ordinarily post questions about politics or the like. I think all politicians are too detached from society to be of any value to the country and the people who elect them.

I think these people are only slightly better than all the CEOs who award themselves pay rises that are more than that of an ordinary wage. I’m not talking about their entire packages, that could be 100X the average salary, but just the pay rises. Its just absurd. No one is worth this amount, especially when the person who actually does the work is at the lowest rung of the organisation.

Steve: We have a $360 Billion dollar budget for these submarines (AUKUS) and a roll-out plan into the 2060’s to a point where Australia can build their own. A huge amount for any country and way outside of Australia’s financial ball park.

Pete: This contract (Australia, United Kingdom and the US) was signed by Australia’s previous Liberal National conservative Government and as such, would have cost us more to cancel than to continue. The same Coalition Government signed similar contracts with Britain prior to WWII.

The understanding is that we are paying a kind of ‘protection money’ to ‘the Big Boys’, however as was the case in WWII, we usually end up with nothing.

Steve: Even the most simplest of people can see that Climate change is here and that it is going to get much worse, so why spend on weapons. Why not sustainability?

Pete: Historic Fact: America was built on two wars; the War of Independence and their Civil War, not to mention the war against the native owners of the land and the Mexicans.

Every war that they have been involved in since then has caused world destability, directly or indirectly.

Steve: Even the most stupid of military strategists can see that war with China will happen within the next 5 years, principally over Taiwan, so why spend all this money on war technology when it is too late. (Lets not cover all the psychic predictions over China that suggest the opposite.)

Pete: The psychic predictions are probably taking into account that the US is imploding and therefore the rhetoric from the US will wain somewhat. The best way to look at Taiwan/China is this: If a large group of Australians were to take over Tasmania and claim it as a Communist country, Australia would be in the right to claim that island back. It’s incredible that China has let this go on for so long, but historically, China has not been an aggressive nation contrary to what the US constantly claims.

Had it not been for the decisions of the Biden’s Presidency, the matter would have remained calm as it was before Trump.

Steve: Even the most stupid person knows that technology will advance so much over 40 years, so why commit to something that is so uncertain. Cutting edge VCR technologies were in the 1980s, you wouldn’t expect a massive investment in VCR technology 40 years later in the 2020’s.

Pete: Irrespective of which political persuasion holds office, we will always ‘bribe’ the US to protect us, knowing that no matter who attacks us, the US will not be much different to what the Brits did, again harking back to WWII: Why do we need protection in peace time, only to have that protection dissipate when we are attacked?

Steve: Something just doesn’t add up. “Albo” (Australian PM Anthony Albanese) gains praise for being one of the most connected Australian PM since (previous Australian ALP Prime Minister Bob Hawke), yet he is embarking on this exercise that will cripple the Australian economy for generations to come. All for 8 (American nuclear) submarines. Taxes must rise. As for value for money – how will 8 submarines protect the coastline the size of Australia AND also patrol many north Asian waters?

Pete: Most Aussies are ignorant to our process of Government with many thinking that Trump and now Biden are somehow our President.

Do they know that we have had twice as many Coalition Governments running us Federally since their inception by Menzies from WWII. Considering the ALP has only been going in it’s current form since the mid 1950’s when the party split into the current ALP and the Democratic Labor Party or DLP, the Coalition has been in control far longer.

Steve: None of this makes logical or economic sense. Perhaps the conspiracy/deep state voice raises my alarm, but has the Australian Government been given some kind of forecast of what the future will be like that has basically scared the hell out of them (obviously not listened to Eric or yourself lol) to the extend that they see no other alternative?

Pete: It’s the US, the Pentagon and nothing but the warmongers, if you’ll pardon my parody of truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth.

In the same way that Australia has been primarily governed by conservative ideologists since WWII, so too has the US. Our Australian conservatives’ system makes money for private enterprise, which is mostly US owned. Have you ever checked who owns the food you buy, the clothes you wear or the vehicle you drive? Remember, China, Japan and Taiwan, along with Australia/NZ, Britain and Europe signed agreements that put ‘America’s Interest’ first. You can even buy Coke, McDonald’s etc. in China.


Steve: So here is my question for your Spirit Friends.

Given what various psychics have predicted, with WW3 (just read another prediction with massive Nuclear destruction around the world that still lingers through to 2044), are we headed for a post nuclear Mad Max scenario with regional warlords having taken over the remnants of these huge armies and navies that have fragmented as their Government command chains collapse? As like Mad Max, the wars will then be over food and water? And limited refined fuels to keep these warlords mobile?

Spirit Friends: We have never predicted a nuclear war. We have repeatedly said that as the world is forced to change it’s stance so that it treats the world’s people fairly, there will be civil skirmishes and wars that will split the standard ‘left/right’ into splinter groups, even within their base camps. This has started with Trump and the Republicans. You are starting to see similar with the Liberal Party in Australia, as dissidents become independents.

We repeat, nothing that exists in the world now will remain in this new Age of Aquarius. All structures will topple, collapse and fall and be replaced by fairer systems, and so to the world’s governments, especially the US in particular, they will perceive it wrongly as Communist Socialism.

Steve: Will WWIII and its aftermath be the major cause of the massive world depopulation?

Spirit Friends: No! First World greed has already caused the starvation of many of the world’s nations, particularly in Africa. It will be more likely that climate change, earth upheavals, increased destructive weather patterns, infectious and uncontrollable diseases, along with the implosion of capitalism that will

cause the demise of the world’s population.

The world took too long to address the damaged it was causing and now it’s too late.

Steve: Is the US/UK getting advice from some alien/negative spiritual force/remote viewing that is advising them that US/UK bases will be unusable once WW3 arrives, hence they are looking to have naval bases established in Australia in order to sustain their militarise in the aftermath?

Spirit Friends: No!

Steve: It seems strange that what was just a fanciful sci-fi shock/horror movie fable of Mad Max can take on a completely different visionary/potential reality perspective over the last few years. Its almost as if an Evil force has taken over the world and is grooming humanity for Nuclear War. 10 years ago, Nuclear Wars only brought shudders, and a loud No. Since then, Limiting Treaties have been abandoned. In Russia (and I suspect in China – given their massive nuclear build-up, see China Is Building A Second Nuclear Missile Silo Field at least 370 missile silos over three locations, with multiple nukes per silo) the conversation is no longer IF but when and how many.

Spirit Friends: And how many bases do the US have, where, how potent and how much does the average US citizen really know about that stock pile? Also, how does the US know what quantity of nuclear weapons China, Russia or Iran have? The US always starts a war by bringing fear to the world, and historically, they have been wrong on every count.

Steve: So, the question for your SFs – is there some entity that is affecting human thought that is trying to socialise the acceptability of using nuclear weapons, so that when WW3 comes, that there will be less hesitancy in pushing the Button?

Spirit Friends: We have repeated in almost all Our comments at Pete’s Blogs that the collective human consciousness has lost its Spirituality. Religion, beliefs and all forms of Connection to the Deity, any Deity, has been tarnished with nothing to replace it but fear, and it is fear that is the destructive element that will finally pull humanity down to its knees.

Steve: It has been suggested that Putin is just a puppet of a handler. Is the handler humanity itself or a specific being?

Spirit Friends: Humanity creates the handler, be it good or bad. Go back to any movie with a moral basis around the end of WWII and then compare those images to today’s attitude. There was a camaraderie, a fellowship and a unity that kept humanity close. There is none of that here today. When the term ‘rat race’ was first uttered back in the fifties was when the world started to separate into the ‘them and us’ principle that now controls the world.


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Published by Pete The Psychic Medium

I am a conscious trance medium that has been working with my Spirit Friends since being made aware of Them in my mid thirties. They don't clam individuality, but rather consider Themselves a collective team Who vary their 'appearance' to me depending on the matter being channelled. They have chosen for me NOT to present as a public figure, but rather as an 'instigator' of what is to come long after I have gone. Currently, in 2023, I am in my 77th year with, They tell me, quite a few years remaining so as to do Their work. My primary goal, on Their behalf, is to encourage readers of my Blog to search for the Truth via regularly meditate. This constant interacting with our own personal Guidance will guide us all as the turmoil of the next fifty or more years begins to take effect. Pete

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