24th June 2023

I originally started to write this Blog on the 14th June Australian time as Donald Trump was being arraigned in Florida with numerous charges including possible espionage. 

The world media outlets were indicating major protests to coincide with his arrival to court and most of the social media outlets have spent billions of dollars either telling us all how terrible a person Trump is, or how much of a victim he is.

My Spirit Friends have been indicating for a very long time; the entire world’s system, not just the US constitution, is being shaken to its very core: We as a collective have gone off the rails. 

We have forgotten the destruction the Second World War caused to the most powerful nations of that time, including France, Germany, Britain and Europe generally, and Blog after Blog my Spirit Friends are saying that what is coming for the US, and the world generally, is so much more devastating than anything that has gone before.

Many have inferred that I’m a radical, liberal, anti American that is jealous of the freedoms and bravery that the world has gained from that nation’s sacrifices for humanity: My comments are rarely those of my own thinking any more.

The change to my Blog came this week when five extremely wealthy citizens of the world paid $200,000 each to descended the depths of the Atlantic to observe the coffin of the 1,500 souls, poor folk who had been locked in the lower decks of that ship that sank so many years ago. 

Unlike the 700 wealthy passenger of that doomed Titanic, these five were not rescued. 

At the same time the headlines from the American bases media world services, fill our media outlets with requests for pity, thoughts and prayers, an estimated 25,000 world citizens died of starvation. 

The World Bank has stated that 9.2% of the world’s people, or 719 million, live in extreme poverty on less than $2 a day, and an estimated 25, 000, many of them children, die each day from lack of basic provisions such a clean water and sustainable food sources. 

So if you were God/Creator, hearing people in wealthy nations pleading for another mansion, with two Maserati, a golf course and numerous aircraft to travel around in, what do you think would be the answer? 

Spirit Friends: And this is why predictions and information generally are becoming few and far between.

Pete: Can you explain this please?

Spirit Friends: We can do nothing until the excrement hits the rotary air circulator. Then and only then will the masses start looking for the right answers from the Purest Source. 

There is nothing within any constitution of any wealthy country that allows the smallest of its citizenry to speak out so as to be heard by the very head of that country’s Governance.

In two weeks time, from this Blog, the US will celebrate its 4th of July. Will there be a sense of joviality or will the people finally realise that just how powerless they truly are?


Lets look back at how my Spirit Friends have been consistent in their warning of the rough times coming with Their constant Mantra: Tune into the Highest of Guidance via meditation before it’s too late. 


24th AUGUST 2017

NOTE: While in a conscious trance state, I originally wrote down this information as the first person. I have now added notes to differentiate between my Spirit Friend’s comments and my own thoughts at that time.

Pete: As I write this, an eclipse is passing over continental US. For weeks now the buzz at many chat sites, of an esoteric spiritual nature, have been focusing on earth change and in particular the long overdue earthquake of the Western USA, especially California region.

At other broader interest sites, the chatter has been primarily centred on the uprising of violence being seriously expressed in the world generally, inclusive the recent terrorist attacks in Spain, France and the US.

Running continuously, as if a soap opera, is the farce of the American Presidency and the White House generally.

And of course the ever present conflict inclusive of Russia, China, North Korea, Afghanistan, and the Islamic State.

In the Charlottesville incident of a few days ago, names were bandied around as simple handles, such as Neo cons, Nazis and KKK. 

In retaliation, these conservative extremists labelled their accusers as communists, socialists and extremist liberals.

Spirit Friends: It was a standard procedure in the Pisces Age, to break debates down into two camps, rather than realise that within one camp, there are those in support of some of the stances and beliefs of the other. 

Are all those on the left believers of the Hippy philosophy of yesteryear with Peace, Love and Brother/Sisterhood?

Are all that are conservative and free enterprise supporters opposed to concessions suggested by their opposite? 

As animals, set aside with a very wide rage intelligence, humanity has choice not available to others in the animal world. They can fight over territory, food and sexual dominance as animals do, or they can rise above that thinking to realise all are one, living on the only available planet for all creatures now.

Humanity can ‘think of today and forget tomorrow’, or they can ‘think of tomorrow by self imposed limitations for today.’

Pete: As I read these many and varied postings, I can understand how easy it is for a powerful autonomy to control the world for it’s own purposes. If money, ownership, possessions become the god of a powerful few in the world, would they seriously consider humans, animals, environment or our planet anything more than commodities to feed their insatiable greed?

Pete To My Spirit Friends: So can we be guided and directed through this unholy maze we humans have created with the least amount of anger, fear and bitterness towards those who have created it? 

Spirit Friends: Yes you can, by turning to the Spiritual Guidance deep within yourselves.

Those doing regular meditation with a ‘let it be’ Higher Source base, as opposed to the constant barrage of systems that criticise those who don’t fit the materialistic boxes, are the ones who will best ride through the up coming storms. 

Pete: I know many would have trouble with this. Many will state that they can’t still their mind enough to bring in peaceful thoughts.

Spirit Friends: The damage done in this guilt ridden Pisces Age does make it extremely difficult to create a truly peaceful mind set. 

Many have minds like rooms stacked with books that are impossible to even enter, let alone begin sorting and correlating enough to begin reading.

“Change the changeable, leave alone the unchangeable and accept that not all things are achievable.”

Long before trying to begin a meaningful and regular meditation session, a person has to first start organising a pathway into the room.

A starting point is best done by writing down headings or points for separation of the changeable to the non changeable.

What different feelings, thoughts or voices do you get when you separate your personal thoughts in meditation, as per the exercise I’ve shown you?

How many different thoughts or feelings did you get to your originals?

Some of you might find that you didn’t get any feelings or thoughts at all, instead you had a feeling of calmness, pleasantness or even having no real sense of change at all. That is confirmation of your first step into Our realm: The ultimate in Peaceful Thinking. 

If you feel unease or discomfort with your first attempts, don’t despair. That’s an indication you are not in alignment with that Peaceful Thinking: It takes time and practice to develop this ‘voice/feeling’ interaction Within. 

It doesn’t matter if you continue this exercise on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, so long as you set a regular routine. 

Remember that it is you doing the ‘learning’ here, not your Spirit Friends. Once you have repeatedly set out a status of wanting peace within your mind, the ultimate Peace will come to you: From little things big things grow.



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Published by Pete The Psychic Medium

I am a conscious trance medium that has been working with my Spirit Friends since being made aware of Them in my mid thirties. They don't clam individuality, but rather consider Themselves a collective team Who vary their 'appearance' to me depending on the matter being channelled. They have chosen for me NOT to present as a public figure, but rather as an 'instigator' of what is to come long after I have gone. Currently, in 2023, I am in my 77th year with, They tell me, quite a few years remaining so as to do Their work. My primary goal, on Their behalf, is to encourage readers of my Blog to search for the Truth via regularly meditate. This constant interacting with our own personal Guidance will guide us all as the turmoil of the next fifty or more years begins to take effect. Pete

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