11th March 2023
This week my Blog is shorter because of the large amount of material I have been posting for the past few weeks, especially in the separate pages of Previous Predictions.

Please keep checking the Notifications And Predictions page, the link is below, as I update them as soon as I’ve received a new prediction.


For a number of years, Alarna, Phil, Helen and myself would sit at Alarna and Phil’s place, either weekly or fortnightly, where we would open a Spiritually Guided Circle. We would start with the Three Five Meditation process, but between each group of Fives, we would share whatever we may have, received observed or felt at that level.

In early 2020, our Group decided it best to close down due to the Covid pandemic, which was just beginning to raise it ugly head, and this is what I transcribed from the last sessions.

I have someone at my right ear but not sure what reason they are there as yet.
I saw young ones around Phil and he (his Guidance are) communing with them. There is some kind of sharing going on.
Helen has quite a bit of activity going on around her. She will be called upon more in the future in some way.
Pete had a male behind him. He is a peaceful and quiet observer.

There’s this strange feeling of Guidance/misguidance that seems to be building in the world. The false and the true are hard to differentiate.

Alarna for Helen:
I got the message, “Let it flow. Just let the energy flow and it will.” Not sure what that refers to.

Alarna For Group:
I got it is a time of waiting and watching, because a new day is coming. This is the dark time before the dawn”.

Yes, I saw a sunrise around Phil.

There’s an Aboriginal man between Helen and Phil with a spear, floating, aiming a spear across to a spot in front of Phil. There are other Aboriginal entities to Helen’s right. Don’t know what that is about and it certainly nothing menacing. More like protection.

There’s a lot trying to chat with me but no idea what they are trying to say.

Alarna: (In trance state.)
My dear children, so much is going on in the world. (She raised her right hand) My hand is burning. They have imbedded words into my hand and I can’t open it yet.


Alarna Asked: Can Spirit see any end to the Corona virus.

Spirit Through Pete: Phase two is about to begin. It will mutate for quite some time to come. The political blame game and retribution will split governments.
There’s a fog out there that’s fogging minds. This will cause important people to make dreadful mistakes in Governments. What is truth? What is lies?

Helen: It is a breath that will cross many lands. Spirit sees it as something that’s necessary for the bigger picture.

Phil: Yes, this is very serious. It’s not going to go away quickly and there are more variations coming.

Alarna: I’m getting many more months of intensity before there’s an easing off of restrictions.

Helen’s Question: I’m wondering why my Guides seem to be playing it down. Or at least seem to see it as something running its course.

Spirit Through Pete: Death is not an ending, it is a new beginning. Human feelings are not Ours. We have said We will look after our own, and We will.

Helen’s Spirit Friends Answered For Her: Disease has spread across the world before. Being calm is the way to go.

Pete: Fear is a lack of trust in Us. Fear not for We are there.

Phil: Over the ages we’ve had these catastrophes before.

Alarna: Death by other means: starvation/persecution are a daily occurrence in the world and sadly they go unnoticed.

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Published by Pete The Psychic Medium

I am a conscious trance medium that has been working with my Spirit Friends since being made aware of Them in my mid thirties. They don't clam individuality, but rather consider Themselves a collective team Who vary their 'appearance' to me depending on the matter being channelled. They have chosen for me NOT to present as a public figure, but rather as an 'instigator' of what is to come long after I have gone. Currently, in 2023, I am in my 77th year with, They tell me, quite a few years remaining so as to do Their work. My primary goal, on Their behalf, is to encourage readers of my Blog to search for the Truth via regularly meditate. This constant interacting with our own personal Guidance will guide us all as the turmoil of the next fifty or more years begins to take effect. Pete

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